Category Archives: Energy

Once through with feeling

Some readers may be interested in putting a voice – and even a face – to the author. Below are links to three recent audio-visual publications in which I discuss US & Chinese macro as well as the interrelations between the three great asset classes of stocks, bonds, an commodities. Following on is a wider […]

Patience, Bund bears! Patience!

No, Mario is NOT about to give up – whatever! China monetary trends might mean the industrial earnings cycle has peaked. US debt levels are still OK, but the low cost is promoting slightly worrisome growth – nor are Tech balance sheets entirely without blemish. Commodities – clueless and friendless. Please click for the latest Monitor […]

Certain, clean & Swiss??

Going into to their 21st May referendum on energy policy, the Swiss find themselves confronted by some dreadfully misleading propaganda – issued not just by the usual motley crew of environmental extremists and green rent-seekers, but also by a government whose own tortuously-constructed programme is at stake in the vote.